
  1. I hope is a great fantastic coach who treats all children as though they can become TOP DOG athletes but it's OK if not.
  2. My Grandson was hunted from the age of REDACT. Like an animal. Wherever he went. They now employ these tactics on self and children. EOS.
    1. It's not Circumstance. It’s not Chance. It's the Choice you make that determines the destiny of Life.-RVM
    2. I respectfully disagree with you. No relation that I am aware of.
    3. So, no matter the wealth of good choices he made, dark forces one named Iorio plotted to hunt and kill him. Thanku for listening.
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    1. It's not Circumstance. It’s not Chance. It's the Choice you make that determines the destiny of Life.-RVM
    2. I respectfully disagree with you. No relation that I am aware of.
    3. Briefly. We make choices and choices are made for us. My Godson was hunted down and killed.That was not his choice. He chose well
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    1. It's not Circumstance. It’s not Chance. It's the Choice you make that determines the destiny of Life.-RVM
    2. I respectfully disagree with you. No relation that I am aware of.
    3. Interesting. Would you care for the explanation of why you are wrong? Also respectfully.
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    1. It is going to be OK. who our home I connected to a muirder in our family Hope the same is not true for you
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